Thread: MN Cigar Events
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Old 07-14-2013, 02:20 PM   #68
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Default Re: MN Cigar Events

Originally Posted by mahtofire14 View Post
I am pretty loyal to my local shop. The owner is a big cigar guy but honestly doesn't stay up with the newer/off shoots of bigger brands that are drawing large demand. I am slowly getting into a position to help him out with some of his ordering. His biggest problem is he is in a small town and most people don't even know it's there. Hence making it tough to bring in new things because he doesn't have the room. I think he may join this site as well, which would help him keep up with everything. It is a great shop and has the best humidor in the cities (IMO). But I will take a run over to Hudson one of these days. I should have yesterday now that I think about it, since I was golfing there yesterday.
I have never been but should stop in and introduce myself as what we are trying to do over the next 5 years would benefit all B&Ms in the TC.

One of the things that is unique to our area is that each B&M has a for lack of a better phrase "market" or "unique" brand to them. Example being BURN is a big Viaje and God of Fire place, TobaccoGrove is Liga Privada and Tat, Perfect Ash is La Flor Dominicana, Stogies on Grand is Padron, Kristoff and the Money Cabnit, Smokedale in Oakdale has the very hard to find Opus X's and some stuff he is not supposed to have. St. Criox Cigar in Hudson has probably the best selection of Illusione and Smokedale Hudson pretty much everything on the higher end of things and has a ton of sticks you wont find elsewhere; but then is a oxymoron in that they have virtually every Gurkah stick imaginable as well as Rocky Patel.

That has been the fun part about research for this venture, getting to know the dynamics and MO for each place.
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