Thread: MN Cigar Events
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Old 07-14-2013, 12:01 PM   #67
Chillin in the Aging Room
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Default Re: MN Cigar Events

I am pretty loyal to my local shop. The owner is a big cigar guy but honestly doesn't stay up with the newer/off shoots of bigger brands that are drawing large demand. I am slowly getting into a position to help him out with some of his ordering. His biggest problem is he is in a small town and most people don't even know it's there. Hence making it tough to bring in new things because he doesn't have the room. I think he may join this site as well, which would help him keep up with everything. It is a great shop and has the best humidor in the cities (IMO). But I will take a run over to Hudson one of these days. I should have yesterday now that I think about it, since I was golfing there yesterday.
Saving basements in the Land of 10,000 Lakes.
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