Thread: MN Cigar Events
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Old 07-13-2013, 10:13 PM   #65
Chillin in the Aging Room
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Default Re: MN Cigar Events

Well this isn't an event but I'm pretty pumped about it so I'm posting it anyway.....

After always talking about, and smoking MUWAT's, Undercrowns, and La Duenas while I'm in there, my local shop, Goodfellas is going to bring them in.

I brought Fritz (owner) a sample pack consisting of some of these cigars and it finally sold him. He did some digging and realized he could get each one of these lines except the Liga Privada. DE wanted him to buy more boxes than he would have room for so he didn't order them.

Anyway, I am super excited that I won't have to go to Maple Grove to get some of my favorite cigars anymore!
Saving basements in the Land of 10,000 Lakes.
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