trying to find a car for my 16 yr old daughter. We started looking for something in the $4000 range. There is nothing 'decent' that you can find in that price range. They either have 200k + miles or are so ratty you don't want your kid driving them. We upped our budget to $5k and it's still not much better. Now I realize you can't expect a lot with this budget, but I'm so tired of looking at nothing but junk. We've driven all over town, up to 1.5 hours away and still nothing. This morning, we finally found a decent buy.
2000 Chrysler LHS. The cleanest looking car we've seen and it drives good, very little body noises. Transmission shifts good and engine runs smooth. Kind of a big car, but I think she'll be safe in it. It's nicer than my truck! Power everything and heated seats

I'm just glad the search is over. Time for a drink and a smoke.