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Old 07-09-2013, 06:54 AM   #13
Suck It
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Default Re: My Fourth of July disaster.

I love women as much as the next guy, but you can't say much for the utter hardness of their damn HEADS!
You can't make them stop flushing things they KNOW BETTER than to flush. How many times do they have
to have the toilet overflow over a flushed tampon or napkin? I KNOW that these kinds of functions are embarrassing,
and they want to get rid of the evidence ASAP, but COME ON. It can't happen enough times for them to get it.
Its almost like they think "Well, maybe THIS ONE TIME I can get away with it." My sincere apologies for
seeming insensitive to your love for your own woman, I know she already feels like crap. I am talking about the
sex in general. It's like they have the "curse" that they have to deal with, but OUR "curse" is dealing with
their inability to learn from their mistakes, lol

I will say one thing though. I can't give em too much guff about it, that VERY tendency of women to push the
laws of plumbing is the thing that tipped me off to the fact that a woman was trying to trick me into marriage
with a fake pregnancy. Motel toilet over-flowed while we were on a trip to see her friends. And blood oxidizes
and changes color in under an hour, even in water, so there was no way to play it off on the previous night's
guests........TMI????? I waited two weeks for her to tell me something then dumped her on her a55.
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