So, I had my girlfriend's entire family over for the fourth. Had 14 pounds of pork butt almost done, and her parents had just arrived. I was in the kitchen cutting veggies, when my gf yelled "oh no!" From downstairs.
Well, my fourth consisted of my sewage pump failing, flooding an entire level of my home. Which was FRESHLY and completely remodeled. In fact, I was still finishing up the back bar.
Good thing it was a nice day. I moved everyone outside, so I could focus on the problem.
Replaced the pump by myself (NOT a fun job), but had to call the pros to do the cleanup. Luckily, they were able to save the $50/yd carpet. But had to take it up to dispose of the pad, and treat the carpet/walls with a whatever chemical they use for that stuff.
11 of their centrifugal fans, and a giant dehumidifier have been on for almost 4 days. I guess they're coming tomorrow morning to get their equipment. Then back to redoing the remodel.
This time it comes out of pocket. This last remodel was due to... Yep, sewage pump failure. That was covered under my insurance. I doubt they'd cover it a second time. This time, I discovered the failure was due to my lovely gf flushing baby wipes. They got tangled up in the impeller and burnt the motor. $295 for a new motor, and I'm a little scared to see what servpro's invoice is gonna be haha.
I think it's finally time for a drink.