Post vacation pick ups.
Aquitaine Knuckle Dragger (3)
Intemperance Intrigue (4)
Intemperance Ambition (1)
Intemperance Envy (1)
Cromagnon and Aquitaine Anthropology (5) can't tell them apart!
Cromagnon Sloberknocker , lol no shitter (1)
El Primer Mundo LA HERMANDAD Caballito
CURIVARI (several did not make it, I really really like this line. Complex, nuanced, and citrus flavors)
El Gran Ray Belicosos (1)
Seleccion Privada Robostos (1)
Seleccion Privada Diplomaticos Maduro (1)
Emilo El Muso Lancero (1)
The rest are easy to identify, I think.
Some Viaje shot gun shells that I have no idea what they are (zombie or whatever)
All in all I was pretty stoked to find smaller B&Ms that had a better selection or maybe vision in the humidor, rather than the huge we carry a bunch of cigars, shops that are around here in Norfolk.