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Old 07-08-2013, 06:34 AM   #33
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Default Re: USPS refund for late shipping and delivery failure

Originally Posted by big_jaygee View Post
i like this rule as well

Cigar Asylum has zero tolerance for any posts containing:
  • personal threats,
  • slurs, epithets, and/or other derogatory or otherwise offensive comments regarding race, national origin, religion, or sexual orientation,
  • flaming or trolling content, and/or
  • spam.
if that wasnt an attempt at trolling then i dont know what his purpose was
Did you not read my response to Bob as well? So I guess you are telling me that in your judgement, if someone else breaks a rule, it is o.k. for you to do so too?

Stick to abiding by the rules yourself and let the ToE handle others. If you don't approve of how things are handled here, there are plenty of other cigar boards out there.

Oh, and since you feel compelled to remind me of the rules, let me point out this one.

Additionally, choosing not to follow these rules and guidelines may result in the loss of your access to certain areas of Cigar Asylum and, potentially, the loss of your entire membership.

If you have any questions or would like to report a post as being in violation of the rules, click on the icon resembling a yield sign on the lower left of the applicable post.
Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.
-John Wooden
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