Like to add on to your review of this stick...just had one and was pleased with it.
IMHO, of course,,,
Construction: 9.5 / 10. Nearly flawless
Pre-light aroma: 8 / 10 Very mild with sweet cedar aroma
Draw: 10 / 10 As close to ideal as can be
Burn: 10 / 10 Flawlwless...never more than 1/8" off at all times
Performance: 10 / 10 No issues with cap unraveling. Stayed lit easily even with
2-5 min between draws
Taste: 8 / 10 Mild, complex flavors with a lot going on. Never got chocolate
or coffee. Did taste good, aged dark tobacco, nutty, cedar, earthy, leather and
finally a bit of bittersweet black cherry in last 2" - big surprise there.
One of the few sticks to take to the nub. Will get hot if you continue to take
steady draws. Let this guy chill between herfs past the band and will stay cool
and will keep the sweet cedar till the end. Didn't want this to put this one down. I may have made an error with choice of drink to go with the cigar - had a Newcastle Ale, which is a bitter/sweet ale. Could have overshadowed the subtle flavors.
Overall: 9.25 /10. Excellent cigar. Never had a cigar perform and burn as well. Not a lot of smoke, but kept burning where most sticks would go out. This is a well made, smooth cigar. The stick I tried was from a newly opened box...imagine it would be even better with some time in the humi to age and mellow a bit. Will definitely buy again, but at this price point, would search for sales to buy more than 5 packs.
Thanks to Daniel for starting this view...enticed me to try this one.