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Old 07-03-2013, 10:27 AM   #20
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Default Re: San Andres Maduro wrapper

Originally Posted by mk05 View Post
I was told that by a lady who worked with the family a while back, but then she also told me there was no such thing as a Padron maduro process, so who knows. I'm inclined to believe her but I don't have much stock on NCs to really care.

That original statement should have said "anniversary family blend," not "anni and family blend." Also Padron, not pardon. Darn spell check.
When I was down in Nicaragua a few years ago at the factory, I asked Jorge about he validity of the continuing Mexican capa rumor, he just kind of rolled his eyes, sighed and explained what I posted above. They absolutely did do some limited work with other tobaccos at one point, but not anymore; this appears to be the point that seems to get lost in translation. Another thing he explained was that Padron, unlike most, if not all, other cigar factories, isn't zona franca, so for them to import anything, especially tobacco, is heavily taxed so it's not even really practical for them to make cigars with imported tobacco.

Last edited by T.G; 07-03-2013 at 10:36 AM.
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