ARGH! This shot is PERFECT for this thread, about useless for anything else. I got up on Sunday to find the weather
UNSEASONABLY cool for the last weekend in June. My only thought after getting my boston butt on the smoker
was to shower and dress and bolt for the zoo. When I walked up on the Teton Trek exhibit at the Memphis Zoo,
I could hear the howling from WAY down the path, and I hustled as fast as my fatt a55 could waddle, since this was
definitely NOT on tape. Sure enough when I got there, the Alpha male was in his favorite spot, leading the howls.
He spotted me, but continued to howl. I could see that another wolf was standing on a huge chunk of a log, 4 feet long
and hollow in the center and I maneuvered around the exhibit for a better shot. I was the first person to arrive at the
enclosure, and as soon as that wolf saw me, he stopped howling, then they all did, and they beat feet for the other end
of the long enclosure. I was crushed. I missed a hugely iconic shot, certainly a cash money print I could have sold
many copies of. So I have only this short series of about 8 shots I took of the Alpha male.....and in keeping with the
theme of the thread, look, you can see the wires. Sadly this is also the field of view you get when you are holding a
180mm prime lens and you are 4 feet from your subject...sorry about the framing as a result.