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Old 06-30-2013, 09:03 AM   #3
Redneck driving a ricer!!
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Default Re: Seasoning question -- different from the usual...

I use a shot glass with about 1/4 of a paper towel crumpled up in it and then fill it about 1/2 full of distilled water and I never have a problem with mold or anything else. It also release moisture more readily as there is a lot more surface area and edges exposed to the air. I would say get rid of the water with the black specks in it and try a different method. my line of thinking leads me to believe that water that just sits there like that will eventually grow mold in it. my method requires a little more work (IE: having to fill the shot glass more often) but the water never sits long enough to grow anything.

Good luck with your humidor. Pics would also help us to help you.
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