Originally Posted by 357
Problem is I don't have the blaster yet. I found one on Home Depot's site that should work with my compressor's capabilities and it's only $10. But I waited a day before ordering it (no in store pickup) and now it shows out of stock and won't let me order it. 
This one?
I have a similar design suction blaster out in the garage somewhere, along with a gravity feed that came with my compressor. They are actually the same design guns, just one has a tube that goes into a bucket of abrasive and the other with the hose attached to the bottom of a hopper. They're kind of ehhh. They tend to sputter / feed inconsistently, coverage area is kind of small and don't really accelerate the blast media as much as I would like. They do work, but not really that quickly - seem to be designed for quick, small jobs, like blasting small steel parts. From what I remember of the design of the ones I have, I'm not sure if an extension could be fitted to the nozzle because of the way the ceramic fits, and, I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want to be sticking my entire arm down into the drum while hovering my face directly over the top or even in the drum a bit when I'm blasting. Maybe there's a way to mount the gun to the end of a broom handle or something.
Although I can also sympathize with not wanting to spend $40-50 on a tool (pressure blaster) to be used once.