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Old 06-27-2013, 05:18 AM   #7
Suck It
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Default Re: Now THAT's service.

Couldn't happen to a nicer fella. All the more impactful in a world where there is never ANY joy for most of us in
dealing with that genre of service types. I nearly got side-swiped on the interstate yesterday in full on
rush hour traffic. A Indiana car passing through town started a drift into my lane in the middle of three lanes.
I laid on the horn and they kept coming. I drifted left to protect my one day old wax job, and there was a
18-wheeler there. I kept steady on the horn and they kept coming, so I kept dodging left. By the time they
finally got the message, they were halfway over, and I was never more than 6 inches from side-swipe, because
of that truck on my left. I could just see my little car getting crunched under it's massive bulk. I looked in
my rear view and he had backed way off and there was no danger for me in that lane, so I guess my horn and his eyes
helped him take in the danger for me and he graciously gave way. For who is REALLY at fault, when I drift left on
purpose to counter a person drifting left negligently? The truck was at real risk from me, since he is so huge, and him
wrecking would be ugly. Of course, he had inside shoulder. But perhaps no less scary for him. I am guessing the tourist
was listening to the GPS telling him to move left and likely as not on the phone or had wild kids or a radio blasting.
But that MF kept a comin.
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