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Old 06-21-2013, 08:09 PM   #33
Cigar Smokin' Patriot
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Default Re: How many cigars do you smoke a week?

Originally Posted by Gabe215 View Post
Right now I'm down to 3-4 a week. I started smoking cigs when I started smoking cigars. I went full force and went right to full strength ultra premium sticks,and found I have expensive taste. Unfortunately now I have a lot going on and can't smoke every day, I started bumming cigarettes off my gf, smoking one or 2 on days I didn't smoke a cigar, now it's like 8 when I don't smoke a cigar and one or 2 even when I do!

And Mac how can you say that?? Is that just when the VCM doesn't meet hahaha!!
Depends, but on average one a day so I'd say 6-7. At a herf, easily 6 or 7 in one day.
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