Originally Posted by 357
If you remove the adjustment limiter ring, you can get it turned up to a more acceptable level. It takes about 90 seconds to do, although it does lower the refill life expectancy a bit. I have at least 5-6 of these on hand at any time. I give them to noobs and such as my local wally world carries them for an ironic $3.57 
Instructions for that process please, I got a drawer full of them and will give it a try on one.
A little more info on Ronson that I could not remember earlier:
In 2010 the Ronson company gave up and was taken over by the Zippo lighter company who had won the classical lighter war. However, the zippo companies are still keeping the Ronson Lighters company name alive by producing mostly cheap disposable lighters (the Comet) in the Ronson name.