Originally Posted by Adriftpanda
Believe me I've been trying to find it! I had a hard drive crash that it was on. I have it on an email I sent but it was months ago so a lot to filter through.
I met a guy through Cigar Aficionado who is a serious collector and has them sans the humidor they came in and he is trying to sell the. He has all sorts of crazy stuff like one of the golden tickets and three Liga Privada No9s from 2004,2005 and 2006 that JD hand wrote the band's with pics of JD writing them out. He has virtually everything Liga Privada has made sans the Black Rat, Big Black Rat and the Bashert Pig.
We did a huge group buy him on the Halfwheel forums back in February & March.
If anyone wants his contact info PM me. His name is Jeff and his main home is in OR and prefers to be emailed first and I will tell you if you don't have a genuine interest in purchasing he can be rather short with you.