Thread: NYC questions
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Old 06-18-2013, 06:56 AM   #6
Critiquing Perique
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Default Re: NYC questions

With 2 day trips down, I've hit the Barclay Rex and Nat Sherman stores on 42nd st. I wasn't blown away by Barclay Rex as there wasn't anything I couldn't find much cheaper at home @ Cross St Tobacco (those guys kick ass by the way if you're ever in Baltimore).

The Nat Sherman store was surprisingly enjoyable. Granted, I was dressed for work, I was a bit apprehensive as I've heard numerous complaints about the elitism of some of the guys working the upscale shops. Happily, I was dead wrong. The gentlemen were quite welcoming and helpful and since the location is close to where I'll be staying over the next week or so, I do plan to come back and actually burn one.

Heading back up tomorrow until Friday then Mon- Thurs of next week which will allow me some time to explore a bit more and sit and smoke. I'll be on E 42nd at the Westin but have a concrete plan to check out Circa Tabac at least one night. I'm thinking I'll save the ultra-upscale places for when I have a bit more disposable income.

Martinez Cigars is definite ly on my list as well. I'll aim to hit that spot Friday while killing time before the train home for the weekend. The reviews I'm finding look great and I'm excited to get some fresh hand rolled sticks to bring back home. Thanks again for the input all *cheers*
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