Blueface- Thanks for the pics. Yeah the shield being thin is what is drawing me to it along with I believe the xds. I'm just hoping they arent too thin, since I have fairly large hands. Might be taking a trip to PA next weekend to Cabela's
Originally Posted by Lockspur
Go to a range that will let you rent guns. Try as many as you can. See what you like and go from there.
NJ only has a few public ranges, there are none in my area. The closest ranges are in PA which are about 40-45 mins away which is fine by me. Every time I have been to the range I have rented something new. As of lately though no one seems to have 9mm, or .380 ammo so no one can rent any of of those guns. I'm hoping that will be coming around soon as it seems that 9mm is coming back in stock.