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Old 06-14-2013, 12:08 PM   #5903
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Default Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by mjdx88 View Post
Do you guys have any other pics the of the 9mm shield? I just came across it in my search for the compact. Im having a hard time finding places that have these in stock let alone getting the chance to see one. I finally got my two permits and I would like to use them before they expire..

I have been looking at the Ruger LCR .38 which I had the opportunity to shoot this past weekend and I loved it, but I'm not a 100% sold on having it as a back up. I was also looking at the SA xdm 9 or xds 9 compact. Still kinda new to firearms but I am looking for personal defense and something I can grow into. Since NJ is a huge PITA to purchase handguns, I would like to do it right.

Already planning on buying an SA 1911 .45 Loaded or might jump up to the Operator.
Go to a range that will let you rent guns. Try as many as you can. See what you like and go from there.

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