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Old 06-13-2013, 05:14 PM   #59
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Default Re: Game Of Thrones Series 3

Originally Posted by Chainsaw13 View Post
Is it foreshadowing bigger things to come for Tyrian? It would appear that way, but ....
First let me say that I don't have a finger on the entertainment beat, and what I said there is passed around info
I THINK from this thread. The story certainly doesn't seem to indicate an exit for Dinklage, but like you said,
Red Wedding showed us we don't know crap about story writing. I think you are right on another note, based on
Robb's woman getting it not only first, but gruesomely and violently, you might well be able to play that out a
few moves forward and add some foreshadowing and say that she could be plausibly be the next to go,
(perhaps right beside Tyrian) if she doesn't get the hell out. Now as to a April Fool's joke, if that actually happened,
not only did I miss it in that context, but the power of April Fools has stretched to June, since I am passing that
around even today.
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