Originally Posted by Blueface
Surprised as all reviews I have read, including gun mags rave about it.
I have the 9mm and absolutely love it as my favorite gun, specially for concealed carry.
Highly recommend it.
Same here.
Do you guys have any other pics the of the 9mm shield? I just came across it in my search for the compact. Im having a hard time finding places that have these in stock let alone getting the chance to see one. I finally got my two permits and I would like to use them before they expire..
I have been looking at the Ruger LCR .38 which I had the opportunity to shoot this past weekend and I loved it, but I'm not a 100% sold on having it as a back up. I was also looking at the SA xdm 9 or xds 9 compact. Still kinda new to firearms but I am looking for personal defense and something I can grow into. Since NJ is a huge PITA to purchase handguns, I would like to do it right.
Already planning on buying an SA 1911 .45 Loaded or might jump up to the Operator.