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Old 06-12-2013, 01:40 PM   #1
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Default Cheap torch with BIG tank?

I'm going on a couple of golf trips this summer. I'm in need of a lighter than can hold enough butane for lighting, relighting, and touching up 3-4 sticks per round for 3-4 guys... probably the equivalent of lighting 20+ sicks on a single tank.

Is there anything out there that can do this in the sub-$15 range? Preferably something from DealExtreme since I'm wanting to order another lighter and some cell phone cases from there also.

I was looking at this one but I'm guessing it might have 1/2 the capacity I need? I like the included punch as well.

Would the above have any more capacity than these which seem to be a known quantity around here? I could pick up 2 of these for the price and have one per cart.

There's always this, but I'd have to pick up a can of fuel after arriving at our destination for one of the two trips for which we're flying:

Any other thoughts/ideas? Thanks!
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