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Old 06-12-2013, 09:49 AM   #50
Suck It
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Default Re: Game Of Thrones Series 3

I am always 2 weeks behind, since I put two episodes on a DVD then burn it and watch it that night.
But spoilers don't bother me, so I knew this was coming from you guys here. And like most people,
it didn't matter to me much anyway. I think someone said it best in the season 2 thread, there are
no good or bad people in this show, it is not set up to be 'the Starks versus the world', or 'the Starks
are the good people and everyone else is trying to take away their kingdom'. It's just a show, a story,
it is what it is and nothing more. NOW, that said, I am not thrilled knowing that the Lannisters
basically come out of this in control of everything, and yes, we know that queen sexy tit5 is a-comin'.
But that episode, combined with the yawner of a season finale, well, it just made me less likely to watch
next season. We'll see. I think it is a sure thing that Peter Dinklage is OUT, so any hopes that the dwarf
king will stab his nephew in the head and make it all right is kind of out the window. Surprised he was not killed
in the finale, considering the solid rumor that he is moving on to other dwarf projects. But we know Tywin's
actor has cancer and is likely gonna be gone, Tyrian is gone, so what the hell? I guess it could be worse
than 'Queen Sexy Tit5 has a peaceful reign filled with long bubble baths and thin dresses in high winds'.
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