Originally Posted by irratebass
Not a fighter fan, but what I have seen of this really looks good, last fighter I played was probably Tekken 3
I have heard that about Bioshock, shame really because i loved the 1st 2....oh bring on Saints Row and GTA 
Injustice is essentially the same engine as Mortal Kombat; the story line is sweet in that you're not playing one character all the way through. You switch up, which makes the story more intelligent (although you obviously have to suspend disbelief).
GTA V's preordered already (!) and I just watched the footage from E3 yesterday at work (TV's in the restaurant) of Saints Row 4. Holy cripes. Battlefield also looked sick -- I'm not very good at it, but they demo'ed (live) a 64-person multiplayer match with all players on the stage at once. It was SWEET.