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Old 06-09-2013, 04:01 PM   #61
Feeling at Home
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Default Re: How much stock do you really put into the CA reviews and top 25?

Guys, I've been smoking cigars for a little over three years, just this year my wife bought me a one year subscription to CA. I read the reviews, and on occasion I have made a purchase on their review. So far I like their reviews, and the cigars I've tried from them. In all honesty I probably won't renew, the articles are pretty lame, and after twelve issues I'll have quite a few new cigars to sample from their reviews.

One more thing, I live out in BFE, there are no B&M's within a several hour drive so I rarely go to any. The cigars info I get is from Internet forums like this one, and from print like CA. I've garnered a few things from them, but not enough to renew.
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