Speeding Ticket Advice Needed- Opinions?
Ok, the back story, I was clocked going 77mph in a 55mph by a state trooper...
I have spoken to my insurance agent, being that I am a (more or less) responsible driver, he gave me 2 alternatives, both will not affect my insurance...
Alternative 1)
Prayer for judgement. This requires a 25 dollar report of driving history, and so long as nothing bad happens for 3 YEARS then it is wiped away, clean...
COST 25.00
Alternative 2)
Driving Class to get ticket changed from a moving violation, to an immobile violation. Class costs 60.00, Ticket cost 80.00, Court cost 220.00..... BUT nothing would be hanging over my head in case I have any bad luck in the next 3 years...
COST 360.00
Before this, my last infraction was 6 years ago, that being said, you never know what may happen in the future...
What would you do?