We call 'em fizzy drinks!
Originally Posted by RGD.
What do you ask for when you want a facial tissue? Kleenex right?
Same deal -
I ask for a tissue. Why confuse the issue with brand names. And before you start, I call my Dyson a Dyson, not a hoover.
Originally Posted by RBOrrell
We have POP machines. We go to the store to buy POP.
Coke and Pepsi are COLAs. Cola is a type of POP.
SODA is a tasteless/colourless fizzy liquid that some people mix with their scotch. I drink SODA with a slice of lime.
Substitute 'Fizzy Drink' for 'POP' and I'm with you. I never understood why soda is called Club Soda in the US....
Originally Posted by replicant_argent
Not that I am a Cuba Libre` drinker on a normal basis, but it's the thought that counts.
A cuba libre is so much more than a Rum and Coke.... have you not seen Cocktail?