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Old 06-06-2013, 09:42 PM   #3
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Default Re: RP Edge Sumatra 2nds??

Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
Boy, its been a while since they quit rolling the Sumatra Toro in the Edge. I still have one unopened box that I have been saving. It's got to be 5 or 6 years old. I wonder what Thompson is selling. I doubt their sincerity.
A little bit of info on the RP Edge Sumatra. The Original Rocky Patel Edge Sumatra was released in late 2006 early 2007 in 10 count boxes, then a little while later released in 20 count and 100 count trays all 3 boxes where released in both Toro and Torpedo. They where limited due to the wrapper being used. Way later in 2010 they where re-released and came in 100 count trays and the band on the cigar was a little bit different and continued to be a limited release. In 2012 the Edge Sumatra is no longer a limited release and has become a regular release you can get at any time.
This is the Original Release Edge Sumatra look at the bands.

This is the Re-Release Edge Sumatra.

Hope this post was helpful. I am not sure Thompson is saying the cigars listed in the link is the original release edge sumatra.
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