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Old 06-03-2013, 09:22 AM   #2
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Default Re: Humidifier Problems.

Originally Posted by dijit View Post
A few weeks ago my humidifier started going haywire. I have the Hydra it is about 5 years old so probably time to replace it anyway. The trouble started about a month ago the reading on the humidifier was set to 72% but all of a sudden my humidity was down to about 65%. I had to turn the humidity all the way to 85% to get to 70%. So imagine my distress when I see mild growing on my most prized cigars and the new humistat says the humidity is 81%. I have cleaned the mold off and only see slight signs of over humidification such as cracks or splits or even separating seams. My question is this even after a week the Humidity level in the humidor after removing all himidifiers is still 78% and I am starting to worry about my NC cigars. I have moved all the better sticks to my old humi but dont have room to fit everything. Any hints on getting the humidity under control would be appreciated.

If the ambient humidity is low where you live, you can just leave the door / lid of the humidor open for a few hours. You can also put a bowl of dry white rice in the humidor, it'll suck up some humidity.

As for Hydra / Humi-Care humidifiers going wonky, I don't know how common an occurrence it is, but this is certainly not the first time I've heard of it.
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