Originally Posted by jonumberone
Jeez Mac, he went 3-2 with 2 Rbi's and a walk yesterday. Plus he drove in the go ahead runs
Might have been better to bring it up after he went 2-10 with 8 strikeouts Friday and Saturday
Who do you want to play first?
Is Ike Davis the reason, out of the 30 teams, only 2 have a worse record than the Mets?
Granted he isn't helping the situation, but letting him work through this up here, isn't ruining the Mets chances.
Funny thing is, the way Met fans feel about Matt Harvey, that's how they used to feel about Ike Davis.
How the mighty have fallen, and how easily Met fans forget!
Davis started out horribly last year as well. He didn't start showing signs of improvement until after the All Star break, and then he was on fire. But come on man...4-46????? That's like an .087 batting average!!! Before yesterdays game, Ike was 2-43 with an a$$load of strikeouts. Ike isn't the SOLE reason that we have the third worst record in the majors...that belongs to our pitching staff (minus Harvey), and the outfield (which has been a complete disaster). Besides Murphy and Wright...no one else has hit the ball consistently. For the payroll, we've fielded, at best, a AA ballclub. Mets ownership owes it to the fans to put a better product on the field.