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Old 05-20-2013, 11:02 AM   #335
Mr B
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Default Re: Gardeners in the Asylum

I finished up the garden this weekend.
I put in:
15 tomatoes (3 Woodle Orange, 2 Golden Sunray, 3 Red Calabash, 4 Brandywine, 3 Sweetie.
42 Peppers: Green Bell, Poblano, Jalapeno, Cayanne, Jalapeno M, Habanero
3 Jack-O-Lantern Pumpkins
3 Zucchini, Dark Star
3 Watermelon, Red Crimson
3 Cantaloupe
3 Pickling Cucumbers
Red Basil, Sweet Basil, Lemon-Lime Basil, Italian Parsley

My Back Hurts! I will try to get a video done soon.
And there came a voice to him: “Rise, Peter; kill and eat.” Acts 10:13
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