The whole garden is in (or should I say all the gardens are in?), I even planted the corn.
I have NEVER planted this early. It's a full 24 days early of the norm for this region, and it gains a day or so every year.
It used to be that I had to wait for June 10th to plant if there was a full moon near prior. I can remember many, many a frost after June 1st. It was an old joke, folks planting on the holiday so they could get in a practice run. You could count on that late freeze if the moon was right, and everyone who was getting an early jump had to scramble to buy new plants.
Heck, now I'm hardening plants outside on the 1st of May. That's INSANE-O.
I like it, and I'll be dead before there's any such thing as global warming, so party on!!!
I hope all you guys will get some pics and reports on here soon.