Thread: USPS, huh?
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Old 05-16-2013, 10:48 AM   #10
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Default Re: USPS, huh?

Originally Posted by Robulous78 View Post
IDK how they do routing... so I will take your word on it... that aside why is it not updated in the information? I would buy that this is an accident if it didn't happen with, and a am not BSing here, every single package that I have personally tracked...
On second glance, it might not be a misroute, I was initially under the (mistaken) impression that Charolette was your PO. I wouldn't be surprised if it's actually on the truck for delivery, the status just isn't updated yet. USPS's system was designed differently than the other carriers, their systems were always designed to track every package movement, USPS's, on the other hand, was originally only designed to track actual deliveries, so not everything updates in real-time.
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