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Old 05-16-2013, 09:06 AM   #28
Just in from the Storm
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RolandofEld is on a distinguished road
Default Re: Puerto Rico Bound!


Sorry for the slow replies, we had a wedding to attend the weekend after we returned from vacation. And we both were feeling a bit run-down, borderline sick after that. That made my return here a bit delayed.

First off, thanks for the help and tips. We didn't actually make it to any great cigar lounges/stores so I'm glad I took a bundle of my own down there, they were greatly enjoyed by all (mostly myself, but *shrug*) while on the veranda in a hammock. It turned out to be more of a 'lets do this amazing thing outside of San Juan', return to home base, crash/recover, lather, rinse, repeat. Not to mention that it was us and 3 others doing most of the adventuring/traveling/planning as a group so side tracking the crew wasn't optimal.

All in all a great trip, we visited great beaches (Playa Flamenco on Culebra was great after the weather calmed down), toured the rain forest in El Yunque, and swam with the fishes on the mangrove paradise island, Giligan's Island to be exact (but not where the show was filmed of course).

Great trip, do recommend, thanks for the help and sorry I can't report more awesome cigar related things here.
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