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Old 05-15-2013, 02:58 PM   #17
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Default Re: New tires. New dent.

Originally Posted by Blueface View Post
Calls for replacement of quarter via a belt cut, with partial repair to sail panel.
Specially because of that color, needs blend into rear door, deck lid and rear fascia (bumper cover).
C-pillar may also need a minor pull.
Fascia needs some heat work and blend, perhaps needing full cover spray.
Can't see from photos but looks like deck lid may be compressed from damage to quarter. If so, needs repair on edge and may then need a full spray, rather than a blend, depending on how far out the bondo and primer need to go.
Did she knock off your wheel cover? Owed for that too if she did.

There you have it from an insurance company manager that spent years as an auto damage adjuster as well as an auto damage adjuster manager.
Basically, not minimal dollars at all here. This is a big dollar dent.

BTW, nice way to handle it. Too bad too many are consumed by material stuff and let it affect how they react.
You are correct. Just got the bid from my body shop I normally use. A tad south of $4,000 in repairs. Which means it's totaled. The car is a 2000 model year, and just ticked 180K. I have around $6K in mods, so I'm going to buy it back, get the quarter panel fixed and primed, and vinyl wrap it myself I think. I really like not having a payment, and would be a fun project.

That wheel in the photo is my full size spare (the other wheel was in the back seat, awaiting one of the replacement tires.) My wheels look like this:

I probably would've shed a tear if they got hit. Can't buy them in the US anymore, so replacement ones would be expensive.

Originally Posted by ksknnr View Post
ouch, he must have been moving pretty good. At least no one was in the car.
I used to have a 2001 LS Sport, I loved that car.
I'm guessing so too. Either that, or an extremely slow reaction time.

I really like the aesthetics of the LS.

Originally Posted by shilala View Post
That's a bummer, Peter. Well handled, though.

My kid blasted the neighbor's mailbox on the way home from work Saturday night. Just a little dent in his hood (an old F150) but it mangulated the mailbox, post and all. I was thrilled with how he and the neighbor handled it. I went to run interference, but didn't have to do or say anything.
The guy only wanted 60 bucks because it had been hit by the plow and they were getting a new and less expensive one anyway. They'd paid $150 for the one the boy wasted. The boy gave him $150, and insisted on it saying "I didn't smash the $60 one". I was very pleased with him, too.
Sounds like you raised him right, Scott.

Originally Posted by CigarNut View Post
As others have said -- you handled this very well! Kudos to you. Now, go have a cigar!
Oh, I'm thinking a strong drink is in order too.
The problem is not the problem. The problem is your ATTITUDE about the problem.
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