Thread: NHL 2013 Thread
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Old 05-13-2013, 02:42 PM   #1015
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Default Re: NHL 2013 Thread

Originally Posted by icehog3 View Post
Looks like the Hawks will need to wait for the Western Finals to play the Sharks, Mike. Looking forwqard to that series which I fully expect to happen.
Apparently so does the Hawks brass. They posted Conference Finals tickets up for sale first thing this morning. Strangely none for sale on the Wing's website. I couldn't call one out if both were doing it.

I look forward to the series and not having to stay up till 1:30 AM to watch the end of each game. Thank the Lord we're moving east next year, although I will miss the frequent matchups against Chicago.

Honestly I thought the Wings were a coinflip to beat the Ducks. I think the Hawks will win this series I just hope the Wings can make it tough on them.

BTW, Mike I have been off CA for a bit but I knew you wouldn't pick the Wings to win a playoff series, even against the Ducks.
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