Re: Liga Privada UF-13
I'm a Liga whore and I've been through a few boxes of them and all have varied. Never had a "bad" one but I've found that with virtually all Ligas for some reason they are best ROTT if you want any of the strength profile to remain. Saka posted in another forum that due to the high volume that they have made and the very fast turn around times from the pant to the store he recommended at least 3 weeks rest to allow them to acclimate.
I'm not a big believer in aging as I don't have the patience and I do get the resting period but not when it comes at the sacrifice of the over all profile which I have found between the pre-release, initial "launch" and the last box a week or two back.
With the exception of the Velvet Rat and Undercrown Pig I believe I have had them all (sans the Black Rat, BBR and Baschert which I really don't consider a fair comparison as they are virtually impossible to find let alone get someone to part with) and my favorite bar none is the Feral Pig. I don't mind paying $15 for a FFP but at the same price for a UF-13 I would not grab a single every time I hit the B&M. Smoking them too fast will give you that harshness I can say for certain as I am a faster smoker too (fawking ADD) and when I cognitively slow down they do blend very nice and creamy with a long oily finish.