So my boss decided in order to reduce clutter and make the humidor look cleaner, we'd switch from open boxes to trays/bins for everything, organized by manufacturer. We have 200 trays/bins now on the way in shipments of 48 trays/bins each. Shipment one came in yesterday, which means today was a fun day at work. I called it quits for the day after 11 hours, with 9 left to fill. I figure it'd be somethin cool for y'all to look at so I'll give you some in progress pics as I go.
This first set I took at around 1, 3 hours ish in, so its not a perfect before and after.
The Davidoff of Geneva and Altadis sections I got done first, and luckily had some already Avo and Griffin branded trays/bins to work with:
The 6 trays on the bottom are what were filling up this nice little void I made:
Here's looking down from the Altadis section:
Here's that same view after getting things in bins and stickered:
And the reverse view from what will be the start of the General Cigars section: