Re: Game Of Thrones Series 3
Yeah, but jason, YOU KNOW how much you hate all these storylines getting 2 minutes a week. A big battle
could have just made that worse. She got in, she kicked ass, she got out. After her time in that magician's
dungeon, I don't think she was playin' this time around. IN FACT, after watching 3&4 back to back, THAT
whole story was the only one I gave a crap about. OF course Jamie having his hand assed to him was good.
But when I was done watching those two, I thought, 'well, that was an utter waste of two hours." Good,
but not great by any means. I knew she was understanding his a55 from the first word. Any time a man curses
a woman like that in another language, SHE ALWAYS understands somehow. It's the law of TV drama.