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Old 05-07-2013, 12:54 PM   #8
Chillin in the Aging Room
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Default Re: Welcome home gift

I have lived with great danes my whole life. You will never want another dog after having one. The nicest, calmest, most gentle dog you will ever have. Unless he steps on your foot!

-Dont leave food on the counters because they can reach it when full grown.
-Be ready to buy A LOT of dog food.
-Having a big yard is nice for the dog but not essential. They are said to be a great apartment dog because of the calm personality.
-Be wary of their hips, these tend to be the first thing to go on these dogs.

And lastly, be ready to fall head over heals for this dog! I have never wanted another type of dog. Have a blast!
Saving basements in the Land of 10,000 Lakes.
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