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Old 01-21-2009, 02:13 PM   #19
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Default Re: My first cruise...

when you walk out on deck, you get frowned upon for smoking in the wrong area.

Starboard side is the smoking side.

In other words, if you are looking over the railing, the ship is moving to your left.

If it isn't, YOU ARE ON THE WRONG SIDE!!!!!

Public Spaces: Most ships have designated smoking areas, usually on one side or another of the ship. If smoking is permitted on deck on the port side, that's where smokers should go to light up and where non-smokers should avoid sitting. You'd think that's pretty basic, but many a fight has started over cigarette smoke because one side or another is in the "wrong" space.

It's important to note that shipboard personnel cannot change policy. For example, they cannot and will not ask someone to stop smoking on that person's balcony (except on cruise lines where it's prohibited), but they can and will ask someone to move to a smoking area if that person is in one that is clearly non-smoking. Avoid confrontation; let the ship's personnel handle the asking.
taken from
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