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Old 04-26-2013, 03:23 PM   #12
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Default Re: New Cigar brands

Very interesting topic. I dont think the high dollar price has as much to do with it as the fact that its new or limited or hard to find. I think alot of people are constantly chasing that "new " shiny cigar. Trying to see if that new blend is the cigar smoking nirvana I think we all seek. I often find myself doing the same thing. We live in a world now were very few people are brand or vitola loyal like our grandfathers were. It seems to be a reflection of the world in general : bigger, faster, better. In the end i dont think the "new" stuff is any better than the"old" stuff .At the end of the day it seems more like its about the thrill of the chase with alot of this stuff.I will admit I like the fact that there is always something new, something pushing the boundries. I dont have to jump on the band wagon but I like the fact that I can if I want.
"I'm feelin' low, Apu. You got any of that beer that has candy floating in it, you know Skittlebrau?
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