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Old 01-21-2009, 11:12 AM   #22
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Default Re: Humidor woes with stabilization

(Continuation from last post)

This is after the wiring, down where the power will be tied in and the Hydra will be located.

Here we are finished up right before connecting the power and setting up the Hydra. It may not be the neatest setup, but it’s all hidden from view behind the Hydra (which is turned 90 degrees from the way it’s positioned in the pic).
Now my RH is rock solid 68% troughout even without beads ( which I am going to add for stability, and to take the load off the Hydra). Up until I did this, I was ready to throw the hydra in a drawer (as an emergency backup) and get a Moistnaire as I didn’t think it could get the job done.
Hopefully this is useful to someone (I’m not an expert at any of this, but it’s what I did). I know this write up is a little rough, but it’s the best I could do quickly.
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