Re: New Cigar brands
Everytime I try to type a reply, I'm all over the map. I guess the thought that keeps rising to the top is that you sound like my grandpa rocking on the porch complaining about these damned cell phones and computers and crap. Why can't kids today pick up a ball pen and write a letter?
Tastes are subjective. Marketing is pretty basic fact of the retail world. If it was ineffective there wouldn't be any. Tobacco is being grown in far more different places, soils, climate, conditions than ever before in history - it is being cured using new, sometimes experimental methods, and thus the variety of fairly distinct blends available is probably exponentially higher than ever before. So, I think it is safe to assume that lots of new stuff could arguably be distinct from anything that came before. Doesn't make it better, necessarily. But, IF, by some unknown measurement we could make a determination that 'newer' cigar smokers tend to enjoy newer, distinct, flavors - I don't see that I could support an argument that it would be a bad thing. It is entirely possible (and perhaps likely) that someone who has only smoked NC Montecristo for 15 or more years might not enjoy, even a little bit, a Tatuaje 7th Reserva. I wouldn't begrudge him for that. But, I might harbor some negative thoughts if he said that new cigars suck, old stuff has staying power and must therefore be good, and that new smokers today can't appreciate good cigars. Or, that he's skeptical of trying something new like a Palina something or other just because it isn't old school.
I will admit that my palate is pretty sucky and I do not always detect the nuancest of nuances. -- But, then again, I think that I CAN adequately appreciate an 06 Boli Beli Fino as much as I can appreciate a 12 Viaje White Lable Project Stuffed Turkey Dark Meat - even if I don't so much appreciate the name.
So....I guess I sense I disagree with your post even though I'm not convinced I have understood your point.