Originally Posted by hazydat620
I stock up on KBB when Home Depot has their big sale, but last year they went to a smaller size instead of the king size bag 
The price per lb initially went down with the smaller bags. Twin 20lb bags used to be $9.97, so $0.25/lb, while the twin 13.9lb bags were $5.88 which works out to $0.21/lb. For the Labor Day sale, they had raised the price to $6.88 for a twin 13.9, bringing it back to $0.25/lb.
I suspect that the smaller bag sizes were to get more bags available for the 4-pack per person limit that no stores around here bothered to enforce.
Originally Posted by hazydat620
a chimney makes charcoal lighting so much easier, haven't looked back to gas since getting the aussie.
I love my old gas grill, the side burner on it is great for lighting the chimney.

The cook chamber doesn't even have burners in it anymore, I just use it for storing utensils and it's a convenient place to keep a fire extinguisher.