Originally Posted by mithrilG60
How tight are you wearing the watch? This sounds to me either like a reaction to a metal used in the band/case back or your skin reacting to extended pressure and a lack of breathability under the strap. If it's either of those simple hydro-cortisone (or similar) steroid creme and leaving the watch off for a few days should clear it right up. If it's the breathablity issue than just take your watch off at night and that should prevent it from recurring. If not get a referral to a dermatologist and consult an expert 
No, I leave my watch loose, I like it to move for the very reason my other watches I have had were too tight and the sun couldn't get to my skin and it would cause a white irritation and flakiness, am I just doomed not to be able to wear a watch? I am thinking I am having an allergic reaction to the nickel to the steel as I have been reading. I haven't had the watch on for 2 weeks now, I even switched wrists to see if I was allergic to the nickel or not and the stems stabbed my hand, so had to ditch that idea.