Originally Posted by mahtofire14
Well I called them, which now I now is what I should've done all along. Guy way very nice and helpful.
What the problem ended up being is I randomly used PoohPal. Hadn't seen it on there before and figured, oh, this will be way easier. So much for that. I hadn't signed in to CI yet, and PoohPal sent me straight through the ordering process without signing in. Not to mention that my Poohpal account uses a different address. CI to that different address and sent all the confirmation emails to that address. The reason why I never got them.
I had never had a problem with CI before in many dealings with them so I'm happy to say I will keep using their business.
So all is good and I'm happy because the guy at CI told me that my box of 09 V Maddies is out for shipment today. Happy Pete! 
Good to hear! This is the reason I wanted you to call.. Mostly so you could still snag those Maddies!