Re: Sometimes you actually do get to eat the bear....
He peeled out from the light and sped away. He pulled off the road and I was in a company car with food that
the entire company's employees were waiting on. I couldn't go and track him down. I thought he pulled
in to a Wendy's, but one thing is for sure, he had no idea he had lost his money. And no, all things being equal,
he was not getting the money back. Twice in the last month I have done the right thing, giving back a
ten when a guy gave me change for a $20 and I only gave him $10. I got a $1650 full frame digital SLR and
sent it back to the company in return for the $139 camera I actually ordered. They had no idea they had erred.
His lost money was an idiot tax for peeling out on his Harley Trike and endangering my life. The karmic balance
gave me $50 for the two times I did the karmically correct in the past 30 days. If you always give the money back,
what is the point of karma? If when you do the right thing over and over again, and don't take the money on the
third time, the karmic wheel just spins. Eventually it LANDS ON YOUR SPACE.
As a preacher, Ida thought the rev would get it. I KNOW you used the story of the guy on his roof in the flood
in your sermons. God sent the four wheel drive truck, the boat and the helicopter and he DID provide, but the idiot
just stayed on his roof waiting for the Lord to provide.
Last edited by OLS; 04-16-2013 at 07:40 PM.