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Old 04-16-2013, 04:16 PM   #1
Suck It
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Default Sometimes you actually do get to eat the bear....

So for about the 50th time in a row, I find out we are
having an after-hours meeting tonight at the last minute,
as I am walking out the door. Actually it is good, since it
gives me justification for leaving early on Friday and driving
to NO.

I was also tasked with going to pick up the food, which made me
even madder, driving halfway across Memphis at 4:15 pm.
On the way back there is a guy on a Harley-Davidson Trike,
and he is showing off to the girl in at the stoplight next to him and
peels out at the green light. He gets about 50 feet down the road
and all of his money comes FLYING out of his breast pocket.
The new traineee in the truck with me is SHOCKED when I lock up the
brakes and pull into the turning lane..."you aren't gonna STOP are you?"
I said "you damn right I am...if you don't need the money, you can stay
in the truck" and I bail out to go and collect all this money blowing
around the street. He comes out right after me and collects $80,
but he was willing to dodge traffic. I just picked up what was in the
turning lane or close thereby. I only got $50. But for once, the bear
didn't EAT ME!
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